2nd-Level Support Attention: All fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory to ensure that your request is processed. Incident - General information Please choose the stage Okapi (P) - Production Okapi (PL) - PreLive Okapi (Q) - Acceptance The examples of impact information should help you to classify the current disruption. We reserve the right to adjust the impact if the assessment is incorrect. Impact description: Impact 1 - OKAPI as whole system is not available Impact 2 - A subservice does not provide any data | A Product Data Key does not provide any data | An entire market is currently without data Impact 3 - A model is missing from the product data | Incorrect images are delivered | Marketing codes do not work Impact 4 - A low reduction in service quality (e.g. low performance in the application) Please choose the level of impact Impact 4 - Standard Impact 3 - Middle Impact 2 - High Impact 1 - Critical Application Name * Short description of the problem * Country code according to ISO 3166-1 XX (uppercase) or "ALL" * The following country codes are also permitted for affected consumers: ANDES, ASIASE, INDOCHINA, MIDEAST and WORLD. Brand code XXX (uppercase) or "ALL" * OKAPI client_id Information about the problem and expectations What behaviour did you experience? Please describe the problem! * When did this problem occur? Time format is UTC! * What behaviour did you expect from the API? * Request information What request method was used? * Please choose the Request Method POST GET PUT DELETE What request URL was used? * What request body was used? * Response information What was the HTTP-response status from the API? * Please choose HTTP staus code 200 400 403 404 429 500 503 What was the response from the API? * OKAPI-Correlation-ID | Trace-ID What Trace-ID was used? If available these are found inside the header! What OKAPI-Correlation-ID was used? If available these are found inside the header! Report Incident/Bug