What's new...


OKAPI returns S-numbers

Some commercial vehicle markets like the one in Germany use additional texts to add standard equipment.
We are happy to inform you that such standard equipments, called S-numbers, are now displayed in a new field "static_equipment".
This field will always be given in the response of the endpoints "type by id or code" and "type by id or code and model year".
Additionally, also the order endpoint supplies these S-numbers if the query parameter extended_with contains the value "static_equipment".


OKAPI returns WLTP span data without trailing ".0"

Due to an upstream change OKAPI returns WLTP span data without trailing ".0" from version 3.89.0 onwards.


OKAPI returns new fields in /configure endpoint

With the query parameter with_add_dependencies=true the add_dependencies field is returned for options.
With the query parameter with_remove_dependencies=true the remove_dependencies field is returned for options.


OKAPI solves buildability conflicts under /solutions the fastest way in future

In future, the buildability conflicts under the /solutions endpoint will be resolved in the shortest and not the cheapest way. However, this behaviour can also be configured with "search_strategy". More under swagger.


The Onboarding phase for the OKAPI Developer Portal has started!

Please update the OKAPI Endpoint URL and Token URL to the new URL (api.productdata.volkswagenag.com). The old URL (api.productdata.vwgroup.com) will be deactivated in October.
You can register and manage your access through the Developer Portal.
If you encounter any problems, please contact the support.


New support scheme

The support process has changed and now all support request will be sent to the SASD (sasd@volkswagen.de). We added a second button to our support page to distinguish between reporting a bug and general api questions.


[IMPORTANT] Introduction of the OKAPI Developer Portal

Soon we will take the next step in our API development journey by introducing the OKAPI Developer Portal. The Portal will allow you to self-enroll and self-manage your OKAPI account. In the short transition phase all OKAPI users will be asked to sign up for the new portal and create new credentials. If you want to keep up-to-date and don’t miss the transition please send us an E-Mail with the subject ‘OKAPI Developer Portal’ and we include you in the mailing.


New design of guide and support section on website

We are pleased to inform you that we have revised our website. The guide has been restructured and the release notes have a new home. They are now located under the What's New section.

Furthermore, we are happy to announce that we have created a separate section for support. From now on use the predefined support form in case you need help.


A whole bunch of new functionalities

We are happy to announce that we have completed a major change in infrastructure which allows us to provide you with a series of new functionalities (api 3.1.0). These include multiple product data sets (product_data_key), multiple description languages (language_code) and a vehicle garage functionality (marketing_code). Details and a full list of the new stuff can be found in the release notes and in the swagger.


Full deprecation of API Version 2

As announced previously the API Version 2 has reached its end of support on 31.03.2020. We would like to inform you that on 04.05.2020 all V2 endpoints will be completely disabled and responses to these endpoints will return an error. This is the final phase of migration to the API Version 3.


New features soon to come & end of support for V2

Time is flying and the support for V2 has now come to an end while new features are in the starting blocks. Despite the difficult circumstance caused by COVID-19 the development is in full progress. If you are interested what’s soon to come check the *** COMING SOON *** sections in the swagger.


Release of API Version 3

The work on API Version 3 has now been finalized.  So don’t lose time and migrate your service as soon as possible. Support of Version 2 will end on March 31st. All upcoming new features will only be made available in V3.


Extended technical information now available

It’s now possible to get additional technical attributes (e.g. dimensions, weights or performance data) for your distinct configuration. You can retrieve this data via the order endpoint. Details can be found in the swagger.


API Version 3 soon to come

We are currently working on a new version 3 of OKAPI and you can now already watch it growing in the new V3 (under construction) section of the swagger documentation. Every endpoint will be published once it’s V3-ready (e.g. in the last release we already included the V3 catalog).
The new version will contain API breaking changes and will go live in January 2020 . The biggest change will be the possibility to make request also with our internal PR-Nr. instead of just UUIDs. In order to give you enough time to migrate we will keep V2 up and running until March 31st 2020 . After only V3 will be available!


New configuration features

The newest version of OKAPI (api 2.8.0) includes new valuable features around the configuration of a vehicle. You can now retrieve up to five solutions for a given configuration in order to make it distinct. In addition, we came up with extensions around prices. It's now possible to get configuration based prices. You can also set a maximum price for a configuration beforehand so that options which would conclude to a configuration above this limit are filtered out. For more details check out the release notes and the specification.


More transparency thanks to release notes

For the close companions amongst you there is now a section on the website where you can get more detailed information on the latest developments. So check the latest release notes.


Enrichment of the product data

With the latest version 2.6.0 OKAPI will provide much more information on type and option level. The responses contain now not only more context information (e.g. base type, legacy id, salesGroup) but also additional attributes (e.g. prices). For details please have a look at the swagger.


WLTP spans now available

It is now possible to get WLTP spans at the level of a type. This gives you the opportunity to get WLTP min and max values for a type before even starting with a configuration. For more information please have a look at our API docs.


Naming things...

It`s always hard to find the right name, especially when you want to find things later on. Now that we introduced uuid's on all entities, things can be identified uniquely. If you need to map your structure to the uuids take a look at how we create uuids.


Supporting the amag at the #HACKZURICH 18

From the 14th to th 16th of September we will be providing okapi as a case for the #HACKZURICH. The amag Suisse gives us the opportunity to expose our API to all the hack participants. For more information visit amag/vw hack Zurich.
We are curious about your feedback and hope to see you in Zurich.


v0.2 and the iterative configuration is out!
Configure on the fly!

With our new configuration endpoint you are now able to configure VW AG models on the fly. With the new config-ID you are able to start configurations, pause and continue at a later stage. The iterative configuration will consider all valid and invalid selectables, taking your current configuration into account. With relational links you are able to request WLTP values directly out of a configuration ID. With v0.2 we slightly changed the structure of the requests, please read the documentation to get detailed information about the API.


v0.1 starting with product data and wltp values

With the catalog endpoints we are providing access to the latest product data of the VW Group.
Our beta phase starts with the markets Switzerland and Great Britain and data for Audi and Volkswagen passenger cars. Additionally we offer resources that enable you to check the buildability of a given configuration as well as the option to retrieve WLTP and NEDC values.