Release Notes
2019-12-18 - The release with technical information at the order endpoint
- Added content to order endpoint: receive technical description for a configuration [OK-455]
- V3 for stand-alone requests added: configuration by code or id [OK-560]
2019-11-19 - The release with the first V3 endpoints
- Add two-letter code for brands [OK-188]
- Create OKAPI V3 with code is always {domain}:{name} and usable instead of UUID [OK-289]
- First V3 endpoints: get the catalog by code as well as id (still UNDER CONSTRUCTION) [OK-187]
- Refactor MOAPI V3 response structure (WLTP part) [OK-319]
2019-10-23 - The release with the first request without MODEL
- MOAPI: Enrich configuration VIN response with description [OK-367]
- new possibility: request solutions byCode without MODEL [OK-401]
- Option BASETYPE available [OK-400]
2019-10-10 - The release with solutions as configuration aid
- Add content to config endpoint: tags for options, for example label (de: Laschen), salesFamily (de: Verkaufsfamilien) and INTERIEUR might be available [OK-380]
- Added config content: Images of the brands VW and VWC available only after separate enrollment [OK-362]
- Added MOAPI content: name of the brand as additional attribute brand_name [OK-384]
- New operations query solutions: Request solutions to convert any configuration to a buildable and distinct configuration [OK-387]
- New operations query solutions: Request solutions to convert any configuration to a buildable configuration (might be non-distinct) [OK-255]
2019-09-24 - The release with the configuration based on price
- Added configuration parameter custom_conditions to config/choices: Configure based on prices via maximum_price [OK-273]
- Added content in catalog: Enrich MODEL endpoints with brand_id, brand_name [OK-352]
- Content change error handling: more consistent and helpful error messages [OK-320]
- New operations query solve: Request distinct configurations for any given configuration [OK-148]
- New operations query: Request prices for a given configuration (incl. option prices) via order endpoint [OK-179]
2019-09-10 - The release with the packet content
- Added catalog content: Options of the category PACKET can have an attribute packet_content with the included features [OK-303]
- Added configuration content: Options of the category PACKET can have an attribute packet_content with the included features [OK-186]
- Added content in config/choices: Option prices based on current configuration [OK-180]
- Added query parameter additionalOptions to WLTP request with VIN or Marketing Code to determine the WLTP calculation method (Road Load Family oder Road Load Matrix) using a special YNo [OK-318]
2019-08-21 - The release with the marketing code and price type
- Add attribut Price Type (gross|net) to catalog und config-choices [OK-263]
- Added WLTP meta information at VIN WLTP endpoint: new field wltp_meta contains WLTP response status and message [OK-286]
- New WLTP query: Requests WLTP values for a marketing code identified vehicle with diff list parameters [OK-157]
2019-08-15 - The release with the big background refactoring
- Added config content: classification of options differs LOCAL_EQUIPMENT(ISET), STANDARD_EQUIPMENT and OPTIONAL_EQUIPMENT [OK-176]
- Added configuration attribute: Set "country_code" to a configuration to enable special controls in WLTP like Energy Efficincy Class (EEK) and 0g CO2 for electric vehicles [OK-92]
- Added query paramater to request TYPES with WLTP Spans (add ?fetchWltpSpan=true to a /v2/catalog/**/types query) [OK-69]
- Adds static prices for catalog (options and types) [OK-178]
- bugfix configurations: every choice is now usable (e.g. MOT, GSP, Salesgroup) [OK-90]
- catalog: add tags for options, currently available label(de: Laschen) and salesFamily(de: Verkaufsfamilien) [OK-181]
- catalog: Extend the type entity with the brand_id, brand_name, model_id, model_code, model_year and tags with salesGroup [OK-26]
- Content change catalog options: make ISET options available with classification LOCAL_EQUIPMENT [OK-89]
- Content change catalog: more than one model year possible [OK-88]
- New operations query: Request list of images for a configuration [OK-147]
- resolve/recover: added attributes category/code/description/classification to resolve/recover (no longer only uuid) [OK-22]
2019-06-17 - The release with some little things to start
- Content change brands: Supply the same brands as described on the website (english names instead of german) [OK-91]
- Content change WLTP: make WLTP Energy Efficiency Class (EEK) available (only NEDC-EEK was available so far) [OK-27]
- New operations query: Request WLTP Span/Margin for a certain TYPE [OK-30]
- New WLTP query: Requests WLTP values for a VIN identified vehicle with diff list parameters [OK-29]