Release Notes
2021-12-14 - Improved error message and response times for several endpoints
- Improvement: Error message in operation/order provide information about wrong option in configuration [OK-2404]
- Improvement: Response time for several endpoints reduced [OK-2343]
2021-11-30 - New Endpoint: Language for brand and improved error message
- Improvement: Error message on operation/wltp decide between not buildable and not distinct [OK-684]
- New endpoint: /catalog/brands/language returns all language codes for given brand and country [OK-1090]
2021-11-16 - Added content in options and performance improvements
- Added content: is_standard identifies local options as standard options [OK-2293]
- Improvement: Response time for /solve and /solutions reduced [OK-2281]
- Improvement: Response time for GET and POST /base_configuration endpoints reduced [OK-2286]
2021-11-02 - Small bugfixes
- Bugfix: Ignore empty fields and object in catalog/types endpoints when fetching extension replacements [OK-2290]
2021-10-19 - Enrich response for MOAPI marketing code endpoints
- MOAPI: Enrich responses with FZS option if avaiable in "WLTP by marketing code" requests [OK-2162]
2021-10-05 - New content: lastUpdateTimestamp
- New content: lastUpdateTimestamp as UNIX-Timestamp [OK-2135]
2021-09-21 - Bugfix in GET marketing_code
- Bugfix: return old options in remove features & when type is healed add new modelyear in added options [OK-2097]
2021-09-07 - v3 Swagger now on website
- Improvement: Swagger endpoint and swagger-doc on website are available in format openapi 3.0 [OK-2066]
2021-08-24 - New endpoints /brands and /brands/{brand}/countries
- Added content: /configure with query optional_informations to filter forced and optional informations [OK-1610]
- Added content: Sorting sequence row_number for TYPES [OK-1097]
- Bugfix: GET /marketing_code returns now modelyear in options list and prices are displayed correctly [OK-2060]
- New services: GET /brands and GET /brand/{brand}/countries [OK-1517]
2021-08-10 - New content in /configure and /wltp
- Added content: /wltp returns coc_nr, vehicle_class and vehicle_high in response [OK-1989]
- Added feature: /configure can be filtered with different categories [OK-1473]
2021-07-27 - New content in /order, several bugfixes
- Bugfix internal endpoint feasibility: Added support of custom conditions one_of and none_of [OK-1916]
- Bugfix: packet_content does not contain empty fields any more [OK-1932]
- New content: classification and is_paket for packet content only visible for ISET option and packets [OK-1924]
- New content: efficiency data includes wltp values on endpoint /order [OK-1895]
2021-07-13 - New content in /wltp and /marketing_code
- Added feature: Loading SEAT marketing codes from official SEAT website [OK-1880]
- Added information: new field ip_family on endpoint /wltp [OK-1882]
2021-06-29 - New internal service
- New internal service: /combinations using a feasability matrix [OK-1612]
2021-06-15 - Bugfix in /order
- Bugfix: Suppress error code in /order when the list of secondary attributes is empty [OK-1831]
2021-06-01 - Changes in /order, several bugfixes
- Add content: merge extended_with and extended_order on /operation/order [OK-1308]
- Bugfix: /catalog no longer provides options/types without price, if so requested by the data owner [OK-1803]
- Bugfix: remove wrong classification of options in packet content [OK-1788]
2021-05-18 - A minor bugfix
- Change number value response format in technical data. Decimals will be truncated and not displayed if there are no trailing decimals [OK-1823]
2021-05-04 - New content in /order
- Added content to order endpoint: new query extended_with=efficiency_data [OK-1688]
- Bugfix: Added missing last update timestamp when nothing has changed [OK-1741]
- New endpoint base_configuration for TYPE with model year [OK-1238]
2021-04-20 - Minor bugfixes
- Bugfix: /solutions - providing correct classification "LOCAL_EQUIPMENT" in case of invisible features [OK-1655]
- Bugfix: /solutions will now return the found model when the given configuration is just missing the MODEL [OK-1483]
2021-04-06 - New content in /configure
- Bugfix: OKAPI returns correct error message when the given Product Data Key doesn't have any data [OK-1608]
- new content: options becomes new flag "is_visible" on /configure [OK-1435]
2021-03-23 - New query content
- Added content to types catalog endpoints: new query possible_extension_replacements [OK-185]
2021-03-09 - Further performance improvements
- Bugfix: MODELYEAR is no longer missing in response of endpoint GET /operation/marketing_code [OK-1588]
- Optimization of catalog and operations endpoints [OK-1595]
2021-02-09 - Performance improvement
- First steps towards optimization of OKAPI response time [OK-1515]
2021-01-26 - A minor bugfix
- Bugfix: Invalid values in the request body returned a wrong error code 503 instead of a 400 bad request. [OK-1223]
2021-01-12 - Bugfix and new feature
- /solve: new query parameter nice_to_have [OK-1274]
- Bugfix: add okapi price type at /solutions [OK-1292]